Meet our amazing staff team below. Feel free to contact them or introduce yourself on a Sunday.
Simon grew up in the lovely island of Jersey and has retained his love of fishing and sailing. After a short career in banking he trained for ordination in the Church of England. He studied theology in London, Glasgow and America. He was ordained in Carlisle where he spent three years as a curate, then serving in churches in Buxton and Wimbledon. From 2007-2017 Simon was vice principal and tutor in Preaching and Leadership at the Anglican Theological College, Wycliffe Hall, University of Oxford. Simon & Carrie moved to Virginia Water in Autumn 2017. His pastimes include golf, tennis and cycling. A return to parish based ministry, for Simon, is focused around his favourite Bible verse, "for me to live is Christ, to die is gain".' Philippians 1:21
Matthew joins us from Northampton having served his curacy at St Peter’s, Weston Favell. Matthew is married to Alice, and they have twin sons Albert and Theodore and a friendly black Labrador, Lyla. Matthew enjoys getting to know people and hearing their story and helping others figure out where Jesus fits in to it. Matthew’s favourite bible verse is 1 John 4:19 - We love because he first loved us. Matthew looks forward to sharing this good news with those who don’t yet know the love of Christ for themselves.
Jeremy is married to Clair and they have three children (Grace, Samuel and Daniel) plus Poppy the horse and Indy the puppy. He started his role as children and families pastor here at Christ Church in September 2016 having previously been director of the Broadfield Children's Project in Crawley where he was also children's worker for the parish of St Mary's. Before he was a children's worker in Birmingham. He started his working life as a teacher (also in Birmingham). Jeremy enjoys sports and cooking.
Josh is our Youth, Student and Young Adult Pastor, he also serves as the Worship Director. Josh comes from Guangzhou, China, and is the oldest of three. Josh is married to Nicole and they currently live in Egham. Josh studied music ministry and theology at Moody Bible Institute in Chicago, USA and had recently finished his Master of Music degree at Royal Holloway. Josh is passionate for connecting with young people and walking alongside them and support them as they walk their journey of faith. Josh has a passion in studying the Bible and in sharing the good news of Jesus. He also works as a music teacher at Heathside Walton-on-Thames, teaching woodwinds, strings, and piano.
Abi has joined us from Somerset as our ministry assistant and is currently studying her MA in Creative Writing at Royal Holloway University. As an undergraduate she has enjoyed serving with the Christian Union and is excited to serve in her new role within the church. Abi loves coffee, long walks, playing her violin, and is always happy to recommend a book. She looks forward to sharing the good news and growing in the love of Christ with you.
Annette is married to Graham and lives in Virginia Water with their son Will. Annette first came to Christ Church through the toddler group when she moved to Virginia Water with baby Will. Annette enjoys spending time in the local community and is Secretary of the Virginia Water Community Association and has been a volunteer with Home-Start, Runnymede and Woking, since 2010. Annette has a neglected allotment in Stroude Road and would like to have more time to enjoy gardening, reading, cooking and family adventures - the bigger the better.
Leza, her husband Darren and their daughter Jenna; together with their dog Coco and bearded dragon Rocky; live in Egham. Born in South Africa, Leza obtained her Bachelor of Commerce in Financial Accounting at the University of Pretoria and Honours Degree part time at the University of South Africa. She worked as the Treasurer at the Lonehill Methodist Church. They relocated to the UK in 2013 and Leza joined the team at Christ Church in July 2018.
Sarah, our Parish Administrator, works in the office Monday, Tuesday, Thursday (9 – 2:30 pm) and most Friday mornings. Sarah comes to us with great experience of office management and administration and a background in advertising.
Sarah is married to James and has lived in Ascot for 27 years where they have raised their three children; Imogen, Olivia and Charles. Sarah enjoys spending time with her family and friends and experimenting with new plants in the garden.
Christ Church, Christchurch Road, Virginia Water, Surrey, GU25 4PT. View on Map.
Get in touch: Email the Church Office or call on 01344 844946 office open between 9am and 12pm each day (except Wednesday).